Broadway (1942 film)

Broadway is a 1942 film about Broadway theatre with George Raft, Pat OBrien, Janet Blair, Broderick Crawford, Marjorie Rambeau, Anne Gwynne, and S.Z. Sakall. Raft plays himself, recalling an incident early in his premovie career as a dancer. The movie was directed by William A. Seiter.

The film was an adaptation of a Broadway show which had been filmed in 1929. Universal had paid 175,000 for the rights. Raft had wanted to make it at Universal but Jack Warner refused to loan him out so Raft spent eight months on suspension. Eventually Warners relented and Raft made the film. Raft said he had to pay 27,500 out of his own pocket and negotiate so that Warners could borror Bob Cummings from Universal.

Source: Wikipedia